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Photo of sisay PHOTOJOURNALISM Guatemala

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"Making art in a country like this is a real merit. Those who choose to dedicate their lives to this profession, necessarily exposed to suffering, misunderstanding, especially when the way of his work is determined by a search of profound, intimate and authentic, and not defined more by fashion trends and designs entertainment industry and the global market. In the case of Juan...

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"Making art in a country like this is a real merit. Those who choose to dedicate their lives to this profession, necessarily exposed to suffering, misunderstanding, especially when the way of his work is determined by a search of profound, intimate and authentic, and not defined more by fashion trends and designs entertainment industry and the global market. In the case of Juan Sisay, we stand before the work of an artist who inherits a name and a pictorial tradition, exploring it and dares to develop and propose from these roots.

After years of telling stories from a purely figurative brush, Juan attempts in this sample a breaking and opens a new window of your inner world ... it left those characters who seem crashed into the canvas ... beings from a glimpse of the unconscious emerges only if one has the courage to stand up and break yourself ... we are facing as a sample, a result of this complex cross which John and dies, another one ... "

(Itziar Sagone)

Juan Manuel Sisay, I studied Psychology (School of Psychological Sciences, USAC-) and Photography, specializing in photojournalism (Florida International University-FIU-)

Throughout his career, Juan Manuel has made ​​a series of exhibitions in which his work has won general applause of those who have visited these samples.

And as a photographer, has worked in the Press Lbre, El Periodico, OXFAM England and to the High Commissioner of the United Nations, the IGA, INFORMATION BUREAU OF GUATEMALA apparatus freelance magazines, modeling agencies, advertising agencies, etc.

From 1990 to 1994 he participated as a guest at the event \ "Guatemala and Art \" in the Embassy of the United States of America.

1991 - Sponsored by the Construction Bank. Would follow a similar one in 1992, this time by Corporate Bank.

1995 - exhibited in Puerto Rico.

1996 - Exhibits at the \ "Expo of the Americas \" in Orlando, Florida. Also participating in group show: Juanni \ '96 in Washington, DC U.S.

In the same year participates in the Festival of Audiovisual Diritti umani, The Forum, Rome, Italy.

1997 - Exhibition at Gallery Perna, Taos, New Mexico

1998 - Exhibits in Gallery Ortiz, San Antonio, Texas. U.S.

1998 - The Harvest Gallery, Austin, Texas. U.S.

1999 - Brescia, Italy, Sponsored by the Fondazione Guido Piccini

2003 - Banco del Café, to benefit South Rotary Club

2004 - Banco del Café, to benefit again from South Rotary Club.

2005 _ Embassy of Mexico-Guatemala-

2006 _ CHAOS Gallery

2006 _ Auction "x Projects Work" Rotary Club

2007 _ Auction "x Projects Work" Rotary Club

2008 - Galileo University

2009-Galeria CHAOS

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